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root rot 根腐病。

root stock

Sudies on the trannsmission of phytophthora root rot of soybean had been carriedout with the soil debris and the seeds which came from natural diseased fields as well as thesoil and seeds which inoculated with the pathogen 對帶菌土壤、病殘體進行傳病試驗,研究了人工接種條件下種子帶菌條件及帶菌種子傳病情況,結果表明,帶菌土壤和病殘體無論是在當年還是越冬后都可有效地傳播大豆疫霉根腐病,是大豆疫霉根腐病的主要初侵染源和傳播途徑。

The preliminary research showed that the symptom of soybean root rot could be caused by metabolic product in the soil under the condition of given consistency , and the soybean growth sickness could be caused 初步說明了在土壤中病原菌代謝產物達一定濃度的條件下可導致大豆根腐癥狀,造成大豆生長障礙。

General drooping of the entire plant . . . crown , stem or root rot - caused by overwatering , especially during the winter months when plants are dormant and do not need much moisture 整株植物打蔫. . .頂部、莖部或根部腐爛,澆水過多造成,冬天植物處于休眠期,我需要太多水分。

The research of sugarbeet root rot in china was reviewed and summarized in pathogenic germs , host , pathogenesis , control of agriculture and biochemistry 摘要對甜菜根腐病的病原菌、寄主、致病因子、農業防治、生物化學防治等研究成果進行了綜述。

Preliminary report on the investigation for the relationship between the occurrence and the ecological factors of pseudo - ginseng root rot 三七根腐病發生與生態因子的關系

Pesticide - guidelines for the field efficacy trials - part 87 : fungicides against root rot of sugarbeet 農藥田間藥效試驗準則二第87部分:殺菌劑防治甜菜根腐病

Pesticide - guidelines for the field efficacy trials - part 88 : fungicides against root rot of soybean 農藥田間藥效試驗準則二第88部分:殺菌劑防治大豆根腐病

Black root rot 黑根腐病

Brown root rot 褐根腐病

Cotton root rot 棉根腐病

Root rot of sugar beet 甜菜根腐病

Effects and toxicity test of several fungicides on soybean root rot 幾種藥劑對大豆根腐病菌毒力測定及藥效試驗

Reasons and comprehensive control of root rot of rhodiola sachalinensis 高山紅景天根腐病的病因與綜合防治

Identification of the pathogen of cucumber root rot 黃瓜根腐病致病病原的鑒定

The infestation of avocado root rot disease is not visually detectable . 鱷梨樹根腐病的感染用視覺是無法探測出來的。